#Change! Airtel Change Team For Free Mb, Enter Here To Join And Get Yours By RICHHAYENT
RICHHAY......Hello, ur neva forgotten cos u dance and roll on d stage of ma memories, even in d hustling and bustling of life, ur alwaes remembered and tot of….
U guys r alwaes on ma mind, thank God am back for real….
Airtel Try ur luck GB is here again, and the most happiest tin abt dis new imei is dat it cant be accumulated….
Just tweak dis imei @
And SendJoinTo141
If ur lucky one, u get
500MB or 1GB or 2GB or 5GB
SO dont panic if ur given 50mb….
Note: DO u wanna get a high GB den y not get a new sim for gud result, if u use dose sims uv already used to get dose mb b4, dey might just gv u 1GB on it but….
But ooo, use new sim for guud result and u can only get it once on each sim….
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kindly drop your current